New School Year

It's the end of July.  This means summer break is coming to an end, and soon the new school year will be upon us.  New schools, new classrooms, new standards, new students, and you.  The new teacher.  You will be spending the next 35 years in front of students inspiring them.  You will be stressed and exhausted and overwhelmed,  but you will make a difference. Even though it won't seem like it all the time.

What I want to do, is help make a difference for you.

After teaching for 10 years I want to share with you (the new and young educators or even older educators) some of the biggest things that can make a difference in your life.  I want to share the successes that I have had so you can mimic them.  I want to share the mistakes I have made so you don't have to.

We all went into education for some reason.  Many teachers know early in their lives that they want to go into teaching, while some don't start until a career shift brings them to the profession.  Most of us can look back on our lives and think of those teachers that had the biggest influence on us.  For me there were many.  My 3rd-grade teacher, Mrs. Gaskill, who I also saw at church and was so kind and encouraging.  She made learning so much fun and pushed her students to grow so much.  Ms. McGhee, my 8th-grade science teacher who helped light the bunsen burner of my science career.  Coach Ray, my history teacher and middle school football coach who saw so much in me and wouldn't accept anything but my best.  Coach Johnson, Coach Schafer, Coach Schall, Coach Hoover and all of my high school football coaches who helped me strive to be an 11 as a student, an athlete, and as a young man.  Coach Mathy who showed me how to use a pole to jump over 11 feet in the air and how physics can apply and be fun.

These teachers and so many more, are the reason I went into education.  I didn't go into education thinking it was for the money.  And I bet you didn't either.  Which is great!  There are way better career options for making money.  But I also bet you didn't go into education to be struggling each month financially.  I bet you didn't go into education to not go on family vacations or to not provide opportunities for your family.

Well, that means you went into education to make money.

So let's figure out how we, you and I, can make the most money we can.  Doing a job we were inspired to do.  Doing a job that will without question, inspire students.

I want to show you:
  • How your salary schedule makes an impact on your wealth. 
  • How to invest your money to have your money work for you
  • How your education is the backbone of your earnings opportunity
  • How you should approach coaching and the extra that comes with it
  • How your summer could be your biggest moneymaker
  • How to manage your money to live happily
  • How starting to think about money now, makes such an impact for the future 

I want to show you how to Teach For The Money!


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